Monday, August 23, 2010

August/September 2010 Examination Certificate in Mass Communication (Public Relation) CPR Year 1 Semester 1

With reference to the table above, the examination will took 5 days in total. The Subject that will be sitting are:
1. (AHCC 1173) Introduction to Print Media
2. (AHCC 1013) Introduction to Mass Communication Writting
3. (AHCC 1003) Fundamental of Mass Communication
4. (AHCC 0123) Computer and Mass Communication
5. (AELE 0343) Reading and Writting

These are the subjects that will be sitting by all CPR students starting from August 25th untill September 2nd 2010

ALL the BEST to all the students of CPR 1

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

TAR College the BEST for me

我认为茂 · 阿卜杜勒 · 拉赫曼大学是我最好的大学。我这样说的原因是因为我在吉隆坡进入西藏大学主校区之前我是个懒汉。有些人说我是个懒孩子更糟的是,有人说我的 lazyness 有没有治愈。它简单意味着我是这懒,直到没有能帮助我的药。我意识到我很懒,但我认为不是有没有可以治好我的药物。我,一切都有自己的解决方案。懒惰是一种每个人都有的习惯并不只是我一个人。

有时,甚至一个勤奋的人可能是懒惰的。所以,你 ; t 瞧不起那些懒惰的人。他们只延缓他们的工作和不懒去做。我进入西藏大学后我变得有点勤奋和做了什么我负责。这是因为很多的工作、 任务、 分配和了的责任给予我的 ny 讲师和也从上大学。

即使我父亲说我不负责任和懒惰的最后时间但你是提高很多,我可以看到它现在。其实,我是我现在是因为西藏大学。学院有一个 ; 有培养我通过我的演示文稿的信心。


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So much FUN in TAR College

This time, I want to tell you that Tunku Abdul Rahman College is not all anout books. TARCians also can have lots and lots of fun. For example, we have

TARC Handsome Boys, Pretty Girls (TARC帅哥美女) ( 拉曼天地). A website that enables TARCians and former TARCian to communicate and stay in contact

Not just that, we have many more exciting activities and comitte and sociaty to join

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Why does this happens FREQUENLY...

为什么这样发生计时你找人"你知不知道西藏大学? ',他们说:"我从未听过'。更糟的是他们说"西藏大学 !!!,让我那所大学。哪里?我从来没有听到前"。但如果你问"你知道 UiTM"肯定他们会回答 ' 是,所有马来西亚都知道。为什么这样发生供应商我们都知道西藏大学是知名的其学生的成绩。但为什么这仍然出现供应商实际上,西藏大学或 UiTM,它们两个相同已知高教育中心的一口井。不只是,当我告诉他们我是西藏高校学生他们问我很难有研究?然后,我回答不因此难 lah…but 得到了很多规则,请按照啦。

在这里,我想问读者,它这问题是合理的问题对我来说,在西藏大学学习是比在地方院校学习。为什么这样说的原因是因为我发现很多本地大学毕业生毕业后没有工作。即使一个人有一个主。但正如您看到那些从私人高校出来的人得到他们毕业前的工作。根据在前 30 马来西亚大学排名,UTAR 是将放在第三和西藏大学是在 6 日的地方。西藏虽然十大马来西亚大学的地方为什么一些人更喜欢像 UiTM 一样的本地大学的马来西亚人供应商你在的形成 UiTM 是在 29 出的地方。

最后,如果马来西亚人想获得最佳的高等教育,选择最好的大学在马来西亚和不选择最后排名大学并声称它是最好的。如果真的 local 大学一样好或比说政府的私人一个本地大学毕业生为何没有工作毕业后供应商请亲爱的们马来西亚人反思和重新考虑的更光明的未来,你。

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lost and Found In TAR College

我完成窗体 5 之前从私人和地方许多高校来促进其 varsities 我中学。但是,在我的学校在公平的过程中有更多的私人的大学,如 KDU、 英迪、 威、 Nilai 和茂 · 阿卜杜勒 · 拉赫曼大学没有忘记相比 tp 本地大学。

此后,我 brough 回一些 broches 从一些家庭的私立大学。经考虑后我决定来不要 A-水平一年的发展中在吉隆坡的 Terciary 大学 (ATC)

比,我将转移到西藏 Colleege 主要校园。然后,我遇到了很多很多中学朋友和还我小学的朋友。不只是说,我甚至会见了我的朋友们不是来自我的中学和小学。

我也发现,许多 Kelantanise 继续其高等教育在西藏大学。是的也有很多人在其他一些私立大学的研究,但有更多的西藏大学。

最后,我可以说我见过很多可在西藏大学的老朋友。虽然他们正在做我们仍能满足对方 cateen 以内或以外,大学时我们是自由的不同课程。

Finally, I am a TARCian now

Upon completing SPM, my dad asked what am I going to study after SPM, I answered “no idea” and he told me to apply for a place in Tunku Abdul Rahman College doing Certificate in Tourism Management so, I apply for that couse and finally, they gave me a place.

Then, I tought of doing A-Levels Law in ATC thinking that it is quite easy and later can precede to a degree programmers. Without thinking any longer, I enroll myself to ATC on 19 May 2009 while the actual classes will be starting on 20 June 2009. I met many friends in ATC and enjoy the college life that is just starting.
After doing my A-Level Law for at least 4 month, I told daddy that I regret doing it as it is much more difficult that what I expected. I told him that I had made a stupid decision and should have accept the offer from TAR College. But, daddy said it was too late and I have to continue with my A-Levels until I complete it.
Starting from that day, I had set myself that no matter what happens I have to put myself in TAR College. Even if I pass my A-Level, I will be doing my degree in University of Tunku Abdul Rahman and not In ATC. Truly speaking, I wnt through a really bad time while I was struggling to complete my A-Levels.for one year.

Later, daddy told me that if I want to enter a new college , can…but, Ihave to apply on my own. With daddy’s advice, I went to TAR College main campus in Kuala Lumpur and registered myself for the second time during the TAR College 2010 Open Day for a week.
With no help from any of the family members, I registered and do it all by myself because daddy oftenly reminds me not to depend on others, try to do it yourself and you will be used to it. And finally, after waiting for three weeks I finally got a place for the second time in s row in Tar College. More intresting, I got the GOOD news on Vasakhi Day. Without wasting any time, I accepted the offer by telling my father about it.

Daddy said you are lucky son, you got the second chance and it is shocking for me said daddy. In addition, he said, now that you must be hardworking and be responsible as the college will give you a lot of assignment. You are in an internationally reconised college now and one of the best in Malaysia and soon in the world.
Yes, as what daddy said, according top the Malaysia Top 30 Universities. Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) is at 6th while, University of Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) is at 3rd place.

Futuremore, daddy, I want to thanks for putting me in TAR College, the one that you always wish for, Now, I am a TARCian and daddy is a former TARCian but I am not sure about mom wherether the is a former TARCian or not.

Now you don’t need to worry about responsibilities in me, the college has tought me the meaning of “responsibilities” Last time, daddy told me that if you eant something then, show me the responsibilities that you got. Without responsibilities you won’t get anything. Trust me daddy, I am now showing you slowly the responsibilities that I have and the one you needed. What daddy need to give me is your trust on me and I will show it to daddy one by one, step by step

Friday, August 13, 2010

TAR College had realise me!!!

Hi...before I enroll myself in Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) Main Branch (KL), I have no confidence in making dicision and obviously in my presentation. But, ever since I be a TARCian things started to change slowly bas I got use to the college system

Presentation is important in passing my couse work so that i can sit for the final semester exam. I did my first presentation during the tutorial class. With no experience my presentation is an ashame one. I can even speake fluenly as I do at home. Because of taht, I had to ask my group member to countinue with the presentation. After that, I felt damn ashame of my really bad presentation. But, after weeks and weeks of exposure to presentation, I now had enough confidence to present in front of my cousemate and no long asking my friends to take over my presentation. Even my lecturers said taht I am improving in my presentation.

Next, I signed up for the Student Welfare Comette of TAR College and went for both of the intervies. Some may think that the SWC interview is going to be a simple one but, it turns up to be a quite difficult interview. They asked me many unexpected question that some of it I can't answer. It was like a private sectors' interview. But, I managed to book myself in the comette.

Not just that, I also learned who to wake up early, as early as 6.30 am because my class starts at * in the morning. Sometimes I never even sleep for afew days just to complete my assignment because my assignment is comming one after one. So, I have to complete it on time or earlier that the due date. If not, I gonna get into a BIG trouble. I also learn to be responsible in ALL my action because many responsibilities are given to me by the college such as be puntual for classes or I will be meeting the disiplinary board of the college.

Lastly, I don't know wherethere the college had changed me indirectly or directly but, what I know I am changing slowly as time passes.